Gods--You Are, I am...

Sunday, December 29, 2013
…co-creating constantly, always; in every word spoken, every action, every thought and deed—mind blowing actually, downright amazing. I’ve picked back up my violin over the holidays and I find myself listening to the loveliest of music for inspiration, Celtic fiddler like Alasdair Fraser (he’s playing now as I write this), and the amazing Joshua Bell who authored a CD entitled Romance of the Violin, which I affectionately call, Romancing the Violin. These musicians are very much aware of their brilliant capacities, and their abilities to express through a vehicle such as a musical instrument. What’s your instrument? How do you express, co-create, and exhibit your creative, god-like abilities?

Heaven or hell, creation or damnation—a little kingdom is being created inside you always, constantly. As you read these words, it unfolds. Creation, blessed life, is never-ending in the inner garden we tend and then comes to fruition in the outer world by means of our expression. Seeds, tiny seeds of compassion or love, or perhaps on a not so good day, anger, despair are sprouting. Which seeds do we tend, water, provide sunshine to and nourish?
I feel a poem coming on and I’m itching to grab my fiddle. Off I go! Gods you are, I am….

I want an Official Red Ryder, Carbine-Action, Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!

Sunday, December 22, 2013
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings to everyone. I hope you all get exactly what your heart most desires and Santa doesn't say --“No way, kid, you’ll shoot your eye out!” May you freely plunge beneath the tree, into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled avarice and find your prize. As you close your eyes Christmas night, I hope next to you lay your oiled blue steel beauty (in whatever form it may take)—the greatest Christmas gift you have ever received, or would ever receive. May you gradually drift off to sleep, pranging (and missing:) ducks on the wing and getting off spectacular hip shots!

OK, maybe that’s going a bit too far…but, I hope all your dreams are sweet and in them you feel like da bomb!  And may it have nothing to do with what you received outside, but rather what you received inside, yep—your Inner Constellation. If you allow, I wish the honor of playing Santa Claus and offering you a sweet little package for your Inner Constellation that you can open every day of the year. But before I get into the details I want to introduce a practice called reciting the gathas. This is a Sanskrit word meaning to speak, sing, recite or extol, a perfect concept for over the holidays, eeh, especially if you’re like me and enjoy belting out Christmas chorals. Basically a gatha is a verse said in rhythm with the breath while bringing complete awareness to the present moment. So, here might be Ralphie’s gatha (character from A Christmas Story):

“I’m firing my official Red Ryder Carbine-Action, (in breath)
Two-Hundred Shot Range Model Air Rifle! (out breath)
I will be extra careful. (in breath)
so as not to shoot my eye out. (out breath)

You might recoil here, not because of the kick-back on the Red-C BB gun as it’s aimed at the paper target, but because you think perhaps I’m committing blasphemy with the gathas. No way! Gathas come from the Zen tradition and are created to reflect the practical aspects of life. There are ones for waking, eating, dressing, walking even defecating. Had Ralphie recited the above gatha he might have prevented a, um…near major catastrophe. So, now, my Christmas gift to you—since August of this year, I’ve been sending out Inner Constellation blessings, Monday through Friday, to folk’s email inboxes (your year-round Christmas tree). The IC blessings, or gathas, are very short little blips, usually just a few lines, designed to inspire and orient you toward wellness. In short, they help Chart Your Course. Here’s an example of the IC Blessing set to go out tomorrow and what it would look like in your inbox:

IC Blessing: Winter Solstice
© 2013 Karla Johnston, InnerConstellation.com
You are light scattered golden.

Unwrap each daily gift for your Inner Constellation and simply enjoy while being reminded of the real gift of you. In the tradition of the gathas, you can breathe the blessings in and out through the day—“I am light” (in breath)/”scattered golden” (out breath). And indeed you are. If you would like to accept my invitation to receive the email send Monday-Friday, please contact me. I triple dog dare you (gasp!) Happiest holidays to you and a new year filled with blessing after blessing after blessing. 

What Makes You Grin Like a Fool?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Quote from Thich Nhat Hanh
I've recently fallen in love with Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh, and in his book, Being Peace he has much to say about the practice of smiling. In the first chapter I was touched by his poetic beauty:
LIFE IS FILLED with suffering, but it is also filled with many wonders,such as the blue sky, the sunshine, and the eyes of a baby.To suffer is not enough. We must also be in touch with the wonders of life.They are within us and all around us, everywhere, anytime.
 An absolute yes to his insight. He suggests the following:

If a child smiles, if an adult smiles, that is very important. If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work....
 During walking meditation, during kitchen and garden work, during sitting meditation, all day long, we can practice smiling. At first you may find it difficult to smile, and we have to think about why. Smiling means that we are ourselves, that we have sovereignty over ourselves, that we are not drowned in forgetfulness.
Hmmm, drowned in forgetfulness, how easy to forget life's sacredness, our sacredness. I tried smiling as a practice yesterday, started by doing the things I love that make me grin like a fool: played with Yogini, blocked off 2 hours for writing, loved up my sweet husband, went for a run, did dishes with gratitude for the food grown by the hands of others for the sake of my nourishment, and you know what? I had a beautiful day--things flowed and my heart was light, softened so to speak. I became curious and I did a little research. Here's what the experts have to say about the benefits of smiling:

  • boosts the immune system
  • natural pain killer, stress reducer and mood enhancer by releasing endorphins which block pain perception and serotonin, our feel good hormone
  • measurably reduces blood pressure and lowers heart rate
  • increases productivity (we really should, "whistle while we work!")
  • boosts the moods of others (it's contagious, 50% of people who see a smile will smile back)
  • helps us live longer (one study showed people who smile readily and more often live 7 years longer!)

And, if you really want to pack a wallop while grinning like a fool, grab someone and give them a hug for ten seconds, this is said to reduce anxiety and stress by 70%. That's more effective than any of the pharmaceuticals out there! So, it seems wise Thich Nhat Hanh's got something going on with his smiling practice. Here's what I want to know--what makes you grin like a fool? Do it, do it now (and let me know your results)!

Gihugic Aha Moment--Thank you, Ben Wheeler!

Saturday, December 14, 2013
You know, I had a moment of clarity this morning as I sat with my emwave and breathed all the goodness of a beautiful morning. My aha was prompted by a young boy, age 6, named Ben Wheeler. I'll introduce Ben in a moment, but first, a realization:

Ultimately another person's suffering becomes our suffering. When darkness approaches and is all around, don't shrink away--step up, expand, shine the light and perhaps those adrift will find their way home.

This is the lesson as I took it, from a boy named Ben who loved lighthouses above all else. According to those who knew this little man, he was a lighthouse, he was also a fatal victim of the Sandy Hook shooting, happening one year ago today. I listened to his mom and dad talk on Opera's Soul Series a few weeks ago and their message was loud and clear--we have tremendous ability to either spread light or succumb to darkness. As I was pondering this reality, I got to thinking about the turning points we're given every day to truly be agents of love or agents of fear, frustration, worry, etc. How do I personally respond to horrible and dark situations--by shrinking away and adding another layer of darkness and confusion, or by stepping up, opening my heart, and cultivating goodness--shining a light so to speak. Science now shows that emotions such as appreciation, kindness and compassion literally change the physiological responses and heart rhythms of others within our 8 foot vicinity. The opposite is also true. If we are frustrated, scared or untrusting, these restricted feelings influence the physiology of other people within our radius. Ultimately another person's suffering or happiness becomes our suffering or happiness. What are we going to do, succumb to the darkness or make a revolution and shine, baby, shine? 

Thank you, sweet angel, Ben Wheeler, for the lessons you continue to teach through your loved ones that remember your adoration for the light. You are a tribute to IC Truth #3, energy never dies, it only changes form. On this day and always, may we each consciously chose to shine. 

For more information about Ben Wheeler, his love of lighthouses and his goodness that continues to spread, visit: http://benslighthouse.org/

Precious Christmas Bling!

Monday, December 2, 2013
Hope you sweet peeps had the best Thanksgiving full of counting your blessings. I prepared for Advent yesterday, set the greens, the lights and the Christmas bling. I had a poem rolling around in my head that I wished to share, it's my formula for world peace (gasp, yes really, I know it's a bold statement). Love to all and enjoy the season for you are a...

© 2013 Karla Johnston All Rights Reserved

You are precious.
Beyond the value of gems, stones, or gold,
and you are not the exception.
Every one, no matter gender, creed or race
is equally worthy.

Every person, animal, thing
that breathes, contracts, expands,
houses the pulse of life,
is an absolute miracle.

We are glorious.
Holding the brilliance of creation
or darkening of damnation
in every word we speak.

If we saw, for brief moment, our radiance
we could never commit a harmful act,
for the understanding that we
would diminish it.

If we knew our preciousness,
hateful words could not be spoken.
Malice could find no home in us.
No conflict, no battle, no war.
Our one desire, our sole purpose
to keep carefully
this treasure—
only ever cherish it. 

What's Your North Star? Answer and Shine Bright....

Thursday, November 21, 2013
I'm a writer who absolutely loves metaphor. One of my favorite Inner Constellation metaphors is the idea of North Star. In ancient days of navigation before the use of sophisticated equipment, routes to uncharted territories were plotted by first locating the--

North Star-that which is unmoving in the midst of the ever rotating star field. 

The body was the compass, using observation to identify the North Star before heading in the direction one wished to go. Let's check in with your Inner Constellation and ponder a few questions to help locate your personal North Star--that which is your highest ideal or priority for life. Your North Star will serve as your solid guide and orientation through the changing storms, clouds and winds of life:

1) What has value and meaning to you above all else?

When I ask this question about half of all people can answer it without hesitation. If you hesitate, keep asking:

2) How do you ultimately wish to respond to the challenges in life, we're talking your highest ideal state?
3) If you could choose one person dead or alive to emulate, who might it be and why?
4) What have been the most impressionable experiences in your life? What did you learn from them?

It can take some deep exploring to discover True North. Check out the North Star category on this blog to further your exploration. When answering question #1, many people will respond, "my kids," or "my sobriety," however, these will change and could even be gone one day, that would mean your North Star would fizzle out, no good. North Star is eternal, it's your essence, that which can not be taken away or destroyed. One of my greatest joys is exploring individual North Stars and then once identified, Charting Course to get a person heading in the direction they wish to go. Contact me if the above questions generate ideas or if you want to share your North Stars. In this way I can support you on your journey and be blessed in seeing you shine bright!

Poster Child for the IC Blog!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Out now, an Inner Constellation read
I adore Malala Yousafzai. She did it again, spoke clear, unquestionable ideals that rendered Jon Stewart and her audience practically speechless. Below you'll find links to her interview on The Daily Show. Here's a transcript describing her approach to her Taliban persecutors:
"I used to think that the Talib would come, and he would just kill me. But then I said, 'If he comes, what would you do, Malala?' Then I would reply to myself, 'Malala, just take a shoe and hit him.' But then I said, 'If you hit a Talib with your shoe, then there will be no difference between you and the Talib. You must not treat others with cruelty and that harshly. You must fight others, but through peace and through dialogue and through education.' Then I said, 'I tell him how important education is and that I even want education for your children as well. Now do what you want.'"
Interview part 1  (6:16)

The "take a shoe and hit him," comment got lots of laughs, however, in Arab culture it's a deep insult to do such a thing. Feet are the lowest part of the body and anything in association with them are considered unclean (thus the big hubbub when Jesus attempted to wash the feet of his disciples, it wasn't just the stink).

Malala speaks her North Star of equality so clearly and her Charted Course, with all its challenges, one of which was the attempt on her life, derailed her, but ultimately she's back on course. In fact, her North Star seems to be shining even brighter making Arrival eminent. Her message is full of hope and inspiration, and I wish now to share the rest of her interview so you may equally allow her words to wash over you, resource you and encourage you on your Inner Constellation journey.

Interview part 2 (5:28)

Interview part 3 (4:10)

Committed to Heart Based Living

Saturday, November 9, 2013
Learn more at amazon.com or http://saint-joan-of-arc.com/books
A busy, busy week was a reminder to reconnect with my North Stars this weekend. It was a blow-me-off-course kind of week, if you know what I mean. So here I sit with candle light and restorative music playing, sweet Yogini and hubby, both snoring softly beside me, and I'm beginning to feel a bit of nostalgia for a woman in history who helped me tease out one of my primary North Stars--establish compassion as the #1 condition. In 2008 I authored a book, Child of God: The Humble Beginnings of Joan of Arc, that in the writing and creation truly helped me formulate the metaphor of North Star--one's personal highest ideal. It was Joan's inspiration that enabled me to identify and then strengthen my personal North Stars so they could shine brighter and brighter in my life.

I'd like to share a few quotes from Child of God that were monumental in my own personal development. In this first quote, Joan was struggling to understand the devastation and suffering she saw all around her as a result of foreign occupation, and her Voice posed this pivotal question, inspired by a journal entry I had written earlier that day:
“Where do you permit your mind and heart to take you?  Do you allow the vice of discouragement to wind its way inward, or do you allow the Voice of guidance to provide sweet consolation? Do you listen to language of sad earth, or language of hope?”
Like many, I came to the spiritual path after a tremendous amount of suffering. After years of drowning in it, I deeply desired to pull free and chose a more peaceful existence. Compassion often has its roots in suffering and my early beginnings indeed laid the ground work, cracking me wide open. I didn't know how to repair the situations around me, but I knew I didn't want to perpetuate more suffering, and in fact, I yearned to lessen suffering in whatever way I could. But how to do this? As Joan's story progressed (and mine too, as it's prone to do when authoring),  the question of how to alleviate suffering was answered, the wisdom of this next quote from Child of God was also extracted from a journal entry I recorded at the time:
My Voice explained the three steps thus, "Child, cast down your doubts. Why do you limit yourself? Limitation does not have its root in the Divine. Commit three things as your focus:
"Firstly, every day position your heart toward the good; then, be still and listen. Spirit will instruct and guide you. Next, fill up with holy and virtuous things. Allow nothing to disturb your peace. Lastly, end each day with thanksgiving so the spirit of discouragement finds no home in you. No matter what situation you find yourself, or your country, come with gratitude and thanksgiving."
These three steps seemed like a tall order at the time, however, I must say, since putting into practice what I wrote as Joan's formula, suffering has been alleviated, and one of my brightest North Stars shines with crystal clarity--establish compassion as the #1 condition--establish, meaning to set it firmly. Resource a state of compassion within myself: build it, sustain it, anchor it above all else, no matter what outward source might present otherwise. The choice to exercise love over the need to be right, choosing love over impatience or overwhelm has been my prescription for a happy life. Where do I permit my mind and heart to take me? I listen to and speak the language of hope. I allow and nurture the Voice of sweet consolation. Thank you, my dear sweet Joan, for your never ending inspiration.

Samhain, All Hallows Eve or Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Today's one of my favorite celebrations--Halloween. Beyond the sharing of yummy chocolates (yes, one of the reasons I love it so!) it's a day with fascinating history and meaning beyond pumpkins, ghosts, witches and the like. Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) as it was called in ancient days, celebrated the end of summer and the belief that on this night the veil between the world of the living and the dead was at its thinnest. For this reason, at its roots October 31 was a day to remember and honor the dead. When the Roman Church entered into authority, "Samhain" was renamed, "All Hallows Eve"; rather than ancestors visiting the living, demons were said to roam the land. Thus our present day Halloween ghouls, zombies, ghosts, witches and the like. To counter the ill-effects of such creatures, a holy day was established the preceding day called "All Saint's Day." According to early church tradition baneful creatures were dispelled when the sun rose on All Saint's Day to the ringing of chapel bells.

Now, as you all know there's a character in history that I absolutely adore, Joan of Arc, so much so that I wrote a novel about her life (Child of God: The Humble Beginnings of Joan of Arc available on Amazon for your Kindle). For me, Joan optimizes the transformational history of Halloween.

While imprisoned her English inquisitors constantly tried to associate Joan with witchcraft, accusing her of dancing beneath a fairy tree, trusting healing properties of a nearby fountain, attributing powers to her ring, banner and sword, communing with the devil, the list goes on. Joan would eventually be charged with witchcraft and sentenced to burn at the stake, an execution reserved for those found guilty of sorcery and heresy.

I'm fascinated with the evolution of Halloween and All Saint's Day and its strong correlation to Joan of Arc's reputation. For almost 500 years Joan was associated with witchcraft. It wasn’t until 1920 that this charge was exonerated and her good name cleared, giving her a title of far different character—that of saint. Joan of Arc, a name demonized for over 500 years, transformed to the title of holy saint. From Halloween to All Saint's Day, from witch to saint; a name is just a name, or is it?

On this day, once reserved for honoring our ancestors, after plowing through the chocolates :) consider saying a prayer of thanks and blessing to all those you've known who have passed on.

 IC Truth #2 states:

"Energy never dies, it just changes form."

Oh yes, so true, so true. Happy Samhain, er...I mean, All Hallows Eve, or... Happy Halloween!!!

An Experiment with Jack Kerouac

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
I'm taking a Modern Poetry Class online (free I might add!) which has turned out to be absolutely delightful. My two sweetest finds have been Emily Dickinson and Jack Kerouac. Jack coined a writing technique called Babble Flow. It's essentially shutting off the critical, editing mind and allowing language free flow reign in creating the piece. Traditionally there's very little, if any punctuation and editing. Since Babble Flow is often read, the creation is a melodious flow of sound with the listener instructed to let the images appear like snapshots of a photograph versus language and words. Here's an example of Jack Kerouac reading one of my favorite pieces of his, October in the Railroad Earth. He has an incredible voice and cadence, it's well worth the treat. Below is my experiment with Babble Flow, hope you enjoy. Since it's being read by you and not spoken by me, I added additional punctuation to hopefully aid your visual picture....

Full Moon Paddle (an experiment with Jack Kerouac’s Babble Flow)
©Karla Johnston, InnerConstellation.com
Written 10/20/13

Battery dead, jump start (I need that too at 5:30pm) drive to the Beacon (will call us home) put battery worry to rest old drunkard struggling to lift his boat, going as we're coming, bright blue eyes in full gray beard sparkle as up on truck another set of hands help sun's last light cross south east waters, push off west across the shadows, past mouth-watering BBQ, music piping, warm lamps burning bits and pieces of conversation, past Valhalla Pier, groom holds his bride up towards twilight kick of manicured foot rustles haloed silk and lace, flashing bulbs portend delicious night, calm peace beginnings of glass, water creatures migrating dots towards inlet Kokanee Salmon struggling against an inner current, birth of life will not stop,

wide wing pattern turns a circle in front of mount Tallac, stark white tail and head feathers confirm avian blessing swooping down upon teaming waters as distant planet holds a constant light we just begin to see pulse above Tallac's cross, kayaks couple for the evening show, opening act takes flight to perch in far off snag, layers fished from dry bags as above begins a symphony

Big Dipper to North Star to Cassiopeia and then main attraction steals the show with ooohs and aaahs, peeks through lowest notch in eastern mountains, necks crane in still coupled kayaks before turning, comfortable banter ceases as devotees gaze: fire orange fullness crests jagged, rises through clear crisp atmosphere, lovers bob, illuminated white swathed liquid night turns silver, thoughtful offering is presented (by beloved boy scout) early Halloween Twix, bump chocolate sticks, touch sweet caramel sacrament to lips, fuel for paddle home as toward night glow we go

past Aspens imagined golds, waft of Kokanee struggle ended, party just beginning, conversations dwindling, Canada Geese, heads tucked and floating, kayaks skim beneath the pier to touch the quiet shores load boats with thick hands, contented sighs as fully charged we arrive safely home.

Momma Moon

Friday, October 18, 2013
I've been watching the moon closely the last few nights, feeling her move toward full. I recalled a poem I wrote some months back, commemorating my favorite moon--the 3 day moon (waxing or waning, I love the crescent). When I read this one, I'm reminded to resource, resource, resource the natural world. I certainly do so with the lunar gift of light. Enjoy....

This Morning’s Moon
written 1/28/13
©Karla Johnston, InnerConstellation.com

Thank you for your enduring light,
shining through cold dark till morning.
I am devotee, as again I feel my heart turn,
translucent in the face of your familiar opacity.

You, the faithful one,
present through all phases of life:
quarter, waxing, full,
waning, crescent, new….

Eve after eve, hanging in night sky, seemingly unchanging,
as down below I bore the early years of clouded chaos;
and still, a growing, pulsing light
as I moved thousands of miles from my beginnings.

You, ever shining one, remained
while I searched a foreign land for tranquility,
until, I finally stopped, stood still
and emptied to your fullness.

Now, you turn toward dark,
reflecting, allowing,
separating like dross,
knowing gold will be more precious for it.

I sense the waning inside.
I’m yet to understand this diminishment,
but I have learned to trust a wisdom beyond
and yet encompassing my own knowing—

Every single thing, even you,
Dear Constant Moon,
grows full only to empty
once again.

"She's a brick-----house. Mighty, mighty, just let'in it all hang out!"

Thursday, October 10, 2013
I few more interesting tidbits have come to my attention about the body's energetic anatomy.  By energetic anatomy, I'm referring to the body's heart, mind, and nervous system, all electrically driven functions of the body which we can resource and use for our health and healing. 

These cool factoids also support Inner Constellation Truth number 1:

Everything is energy, the body is the interface.

OK, here's the amazing, invisible brick---house tidbits:

  • the brain produces enough current to power a 15-20 watt light bulb
  • the heart is the most powerful electrical oscillator in the body, influencing over 1400 other systems in the body
  • scientists have confirmed that injury or trauma occurring to the body causes a disruption in the body's electrical flow measurable via the skin, called Current of Injury (COI)  
  • scientists have also confirmed that many individuals display what's called electroreception, meaning they mirror the electricity of others around them (as shown on ECG and EKG equipment) as well as sense energy field shifts of the earth. This can account for animals who sense earthquakes before they occur and other natural disasters and have been observed high-tailing it out of areas before disaster strikes. Institute of Heartmath have done their fair share of studies in this department.

Our bodies are indeed mighty, mighty..."shake it down, shake it down, now!" 

I don't want your stinkin' compost, thorns, dirt or roots, just give me your flowers!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Yesterday afternoon I was out harvesting Rosehips while saying prayers for family and friends who had lost a young loved one in a tragic accident. As I was picking fruit from the thorny bushes, Momma Nature wiggled her way into my heart as she is wont to do, and I became very aware of a metaphor playing out before me:

Here grew a Wild Rose, the beauty of summer blossoms having passed, and I was gratefully harvesting its fruit to make tea (the fruit is sweet, yummy and high in vitamin C). At no point did I curse the dirt that grew the Rose, nor did I stomp my feet at the roots below the surface or the thorns that sometimes pricked my fingers. I accepted all these things and even the tiny little pile of poop that a rabbit had discarded at the base of one cluster of Rose bushes. I wouldn't think to look at the Wild Rose and say, "I don't want your stinkin' compost, thorns, dirt or roots, just give me your flowers!"

Yet, in life, when we're given dirt and thorns, how difficult it can be to turn our mind toward the Roses and trust there is always beauty, even in the face of tragedy: beauty in a life lived fully, beauty in the impact that sweet life had on those around him, beauty for what that life created.

Thank you, Wild Rose, for imparting comfort and wisdom from the neutral source of nature herself. Love and care to all those who have lost beautiful friends and loved ones.

If you enjoyed this blog article, you might enjoy another I wrote some time ago expanding on a quote from one of my favorite books, The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett:

"Where you tend a rose...a thistle can not grow."

Stop Idle words

Monday, September 23, 2013
Happy Fall! I hope you greeted the changing season with as much enthusiasm as I did. Today, I start a new quarter of teaching at my local college. After 18 years (gasp! really?) I'm still excited about the first day of schooooool. Here's why, firstly, my students are shining rays of hope, eager to learn (education is one of the greatest blessings of a free world, in my humble opinion). Secondly, the skill they wish to learn is American Sign Language, and I have the great honor of teaching it. The class is taught voice-off and over the years, the feedback has been that ASL is one of the most fun and peaceful classes students have ever taken. This poem attempts to express the precious gift of American Sign Language:

Stop idle words
©2013 Karla Johnston, www.InnerConstellation.com

Living in a world communicating 
from the neck up:
lips, tongue, palate, teeth:
Vocal chords stretch, pull
sometimes lovingly
sometimes deafeningly...


Living, breathing, communicating
fluid arc of hand lightly touches crown, 
drops down.
5 components of a sign:
palm orientation,
and my favorite—

Language requiring the hand
yet expressing non-manually?
body, mind and heart just a humming, 
but you can’t hear it, 
not from the neck up, that is.
Drop down,
follow my hand—
top of head to soles of feet,
simply listen.  

International Day of Peace, this Saturday, September 21

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Join me in intending Inner Constellation peace as well as peace for your local and global community. The following is taken from a newsletter written by an amazing woman, Sheva Carr, who has spear-headed a major event culminating this coming Saturday:

Saturday, September 21st is the 31st International Day of Peace. This year's theme is peace education. We invite all hearts who celebrate and choose to co-create a world at peace to join us in a global peace celebration, creation and education conference call at 9:00am PT, noon ET, alongside special guests who have given their lives to a world at peace and the 215 peace team players who have attended the 8 week Peace Team Training Camp. 
Educate yourself and engage in a world of peace as a peace team player!
JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP HERE (all previous calls culminating up to this point can be accessed)
Saturday, September 21st
9:00am-10:30am PT
(559) 726-1300
Participant Access Code: 574998
On Saturday's call you will learn:
  • The eight pathways of a world of peace
  • Some history of each domain, where we stand now, and future trends contributing to a peaceful world
  • Who’s doing what in each domain to create a culture of peace
  • What you can do as a peace team player in each domain and on your unique pathway to peace
  • How to connect the dots of personal, local and global peace initiatives as important playgrounds for your pathway to peace
  • How to create a morning practice that builds a culture of peace in you and around you
  • How you can be a part of the International Day of Peace
  • How you are already a pathway to peace
  • How you are a part of a global family of peace team players just waiting for someone like you to play with!
You will hear from:
  • The Co-Founder of Pathways To Peace, and the International Day of Peace, Avon Mattison
  • Peace Team Training Camp leaders Olympic athlete Marilyn King, and Heart Ambassadors Director Sheva Carr
  • Key players at the international level who have given their lives to the practical path of peace building who will move, touch, inspire and ignite a flame of peace in your own heart.
  • Teen girls from Israel/Palestine who live by the motto "An enemy is a friend who's story you have yet to hear" and work with an organization called Creativity for Peace.
  • Representatives from the United Nations.
Peace Team Training is designed to help you start your day the Olympian Way as a peace team player engaged in creating a world where a culture of peace thrives! Looking forward to "seeing" you there and winning the gold of peace- TOGETHER!
Marilyn King, Founder of Peace is the Only Gold and Representing Pathways To Peace as the Co-Chair of the UN NGO International Day of Peace Sports Sub-Committee

Sheva Carr, Director of Heart Ambassadors and HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program and Pathways To Peace Delegate to the UN


"Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at the goal." 
Martin Luther King, Jr

Be Love, Yo!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A friend and dear angel in my life recommended a website a few months back called, Daily Good: News that Inspires. I absolutely love this website for the nourishment it provides. There are two articles that warmed my heart this morning. Firstly, to give you a bit of a taste, the following link is a story about a chance encounter at the local library that turned into a day of miracles, all revolving around the intention to love more fully each and every day. It aligned perfectly with one of my North Stars: establish Love as the number one condition. The title is Be Love, by Jennifer Pastiloff. I admire the writer's simplicity and courage.

OK, now the next Daily Good article is mind-blowing. There is an amazing young woman, Maggie Doyne, who at the age of 18, fresh out of high school and still wet behind the ears, began creating orphanages and schools for children in Nepal. The depth of her love is awe-inspiring. You can read the Daily Good interview with Maggie Doyne and also listen to her speak. She clearly and movingly tells of the development of her North Star, that literally showed up in the form of a little girl, a Nepalese child porter. Maggie's story transmits awesome hope, she's a saint in my opinion.

Dear Inner Constellation readers, may the above articles confirm and anchor the IC Blog mission--

...you are an expression of the Eternal: body, mind and heart are the gateways. 

September 11 Commemoration

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
This year as I experience the anniversary of 9-11, I know in my heart-of-hearts those who lost their lives are no longer bothered by the tragic events that occurred twelve years ago. For family members and friends, however, I'm reminded of the importance of release, forgiveness and finding peace. A poem came to mind that I thought to blog. It was written some years back, when a loved one was lost to senseless tragedy. I realize now, this poem solidified the makings of my Inner Constellation Truth #2:

Energy never dies it just changes form

Mother Green
©2007 Karla Johnston, InnerConstellation.com

Dry bones buried inside your recesses,
beneath the Acacia grove.
Emerald leaves fall like stars from heaven,
autumn moon traverses on.

Uprooted from the river bed,
Water Lily sacrificed to earthen mound,
terribly wanting,
not foreign to this weeping place.

Tears of sorrow, uncontained,
wed the land.

Flower of the pond,
no longer insufficient.

Bridge to ford the stream,
cross-over unseen.
Precious child received,
into the arms of Mother Green.

64-year-old Woman Completes 110 Mile Swim Without Shark Cage!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Is this just plain crazy or North Star driven, or...perhaps both?! As of this morning, Diana Nyad, is the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without the assistance of a shark cage. When she came ashore, she was greeted by supporters surrounding her in waist-high water while cheering her on.

Before walking to an ambulance of her own accord Nyad said:

I have three messages. One is, we should never, ever give up. Two is, you're never too old to chase your dream. Three is, it (swimming) looks like a solitary sport, but it is a team.

It was Nyad's fifth attempt to what she said would be her last try to complete the 110 mile swim. The other times she was forced to stop due to boat trouble, storms, unfavorable currents and jellyfish stings. So, I know if you're like me, you might be recalling that scene from the movie, "Jaws," when the toothy-maw came up from the deep to close around the oblivious swimmer flailing on the surface (gives me shudders, still!). How did the team keep the sharks away? The answer has an Inner Constellation flavor (no pun intended)...Nyad's support team carried equipment which generated a faint electrical field around her, specifically designed to deter Jaws and his buddies. I would definitively agree it takes a team! Here's another little piece of Inner Constellation metaphor--the boat also dragged a line in the water to keep her on course.

OK, so my vote is, Diana Nyad is no crazy lady, rather she's a lady crazed by her North Star. This 64-year-old woman did not allow the obstacles in life (you know: mechanical difficulties, poisonous stings, suck-you-down currents and sharks!) to knock her off course. Might we take inspiration from her life example when confronted with our own challenges to staying the course and keeping our sights on our North Stars? For more information on Diana Nyad's amazing story click here.

If you're unsure of your North Star, or if you know your North Star and wish to launch out on a more solidified course, consider contacting me for a no-charge 20 minute coaching session. Beginning dialogue with you and your North Star is my absolute favorite way to spend 20 minutes in the course of a day! I would be honored to become part of your support team.

Bendin' Ur Spoon!

Thursday, August 29, 2013
I’m not usually into the cute pictures of critters doing silly things, but this one reminded me of myself--trying to fend off the dome of smoke billowing over my California mountains! I live about 60 miles from the Yosemite Rim Fire as the crow flies, and since it began twelve days ago, my town has been under smoke so thick that many days we haven’t seen the sun. Last night I had a rough night of sleep, coughing through most of the night, and I woke this morning with a tight, constricted chest that I promptly relieved with my two favorite tools: Meridian Tapping and Heartmath technologies. As I was doing my self-care, to my utter delight, the sun peeped out and, then, shone brilliantly! I jumped up and went outside to see the bluest skies since the fire began. I grabbed my running shoes and headed out the door.

As I was moving around in the mostly clear Tahoe blue, I began pondering the metaphors I use with my clients:

  • North Star – one’s un-moving, highest motto for life or one’s personal ideal
  • Clouds – whatever obstructs seeing or orienting to one’s North Star

When clouds (or smoke) set in and obstruct our North Stars, what can we do to resource our highest ideals (compassion, generosity, gratitude, etc.), in spite of the fact that we’re not feeling it? One of my favorite daily practices when the clouds (or smoke) set in is to resource a past feeling. In other words use the power of your mind to “Bend Ur Spoon.”

You know, it’s a toss-up whether our brains are receivers of consciousness or transmitters of consciousness. Quantum Physicists have no definitive answer one way or the other. Studies actually show that one’s ability to bend reality is probable. So, resourcing one’s North Star when the clouds (or smoke) roll in means, imagining a time when you've experienced your ideal state. By doing so, you part the clouds and your North Star becomes visible.

In my above example of struggling with the affects of the Yosemite Rim Fire, when skies cleared, I got out there and resourced, resourced, resourced: I sucked in deep the clean air, I marveled at the robin-egg-blue sky, I greeted the Stellar’s Jays and Woodpeckers (wildlife was out resourcing too), I looked far in the distance and gave thanks that I could see the sturdy, green pine trees. I was running around like Snow White! Side note: nature is my favorite place to "resource" for it innately and constantly rejuvenates--no matter the destruction, Momma comes back to balance, always. 

With the fire 30% contained and an anticipatory containment date of September 10, I can expect more smoke will come rolling in; however, I am resourced--I have “Bent My Spoon,” and I've established a resource state to access in the future. I am soooooooo appreciative of clean, fresh air.

So is Yogini. When I arrived back home and opened up the sliding glass door, she was in 7th Heaven and ran through the house whirling and kicking up her chubby heels! Try Bendin' Ur Spoon--it’s the best!!

Meet the Woman Who Prevented a Mass School Shooting

Friday, August 23, 2013
You all might have heard about the amazing woman, Antoinette Tuff, who talked down a gunman at an Elementary School in Atlanta, Georgia a few days ago. She was interviewed by Channel 2 news and described the event and how she was able to face the gunman by expressing compassion for his situation. Here's the captivating and inspiring interview.

Can you imagine quelling the natural impulse to run or fight and instead face the danger with calm compassion? Antoinette was asked how she was able to do it. Firstly, she spoke of her own experience of suffering and shared her struggles with the young armed man, Michael Brandon Hill. She spoke of her multi-disabled child, her husband of 33 years she had recently lost, her own suicide attempt, but then she reminded him that although life throws in turns, it's possible to overcome them, or in Inner Constellation language--transform all adversity and challenge (IC Truth number 3: Everything, no matter how challenging, can be transformed)

Secondly, Antoinette spoke of anchoring in her faith. Knowing that the situation was beyond her, she consciously allowed herself to be used as a vehicle and prayed for strength, that’s when she began to engage the young man. By responding with compassion she prevented further harm to herself, the shooter, and over 800 children at the school. Her description of anchoring brought to mind an Inner Constellation technique I’ve coined, Dropping Anchor:

1) Focus on dropping your attention into the area of your heart
2) Breath evenly and comfortably in and out of the heart area as if it has its own respiration
3) Call to mind and appreciate all the times when you've experienced or expressed your NorthStar
4) Ask yourself, "what is one way to exercise my North Star today?"

As a sweet friend of mine said, Antoinette Tuff dropped anchor directly into Divinity's heart. She was completely present with care. Antoinette’s story is an inspiration that all things are possible when we ground to what is most important to us and become a vehicle for transformation.  Antoinette Huff, thank you for demonstrating bravery and North Star heroism.

Peace Day Training. Hippy Dippy? No way!

Friday, August 2, 2013
Howdy IC peeps. I wanted to let you all know about a fantastic offering that I've been taking part in and enjoying thoroughly. Every Monday and Thursday for the next 8 weeks Heartmastery provider Sheva Carr and Olympic Gold Medalist Marilyn King will be offering Peace Team Training calls at no charge to the listener. Their generous offerings will culminate on September 21, 2013, in celebration of International Day of Peace. These two women are a dynamic team combining Sheva's extensive knowledge of Heartmath practices (my favorite way of generating peace within) with Marilyn's experience of elite performance to provide a hub for individuals dedicated to peace practices. Here's the information:

Mondays and Thursdays July 29th-September 19th
9:00am-10:00am PT

(559) 726-1300
Participant Access Code: 574998

If you aren't available for the live calls, recordings of the calls can be accessed by joining the facebook group:

On the calls you will learn:

·       The eight domains of a world of peace
·       The history of each domain, where we stand now, and future trends contributing to a peaceful world
·       Who’s doing what in each domain to create a culture of peace
·       What you can do as a peace team player in each domain and on your unique pathway to peace
·       How to connect the dots of personal, local and global peace initiatives as important playgrounds for your pathway to peace
·       How to create a morning practice that builds a culture of peace in you and around you
·       How you can be a part of the International Day of Peace
·       How you are a part of a global family of peace team players just waiting for someone like you to play with!

We all have morning practices, rituals, and routines. Some of them are conscious, some not so conscious. Some of them are beneficial, some not so beneficial. Peace Team Training is designed to help you start your day the Olympian Way as a peace team player engaged in creating a world where a culture of peace thrives!

Looking forward to "seeing" you there and winning the gold of peace- TOGETHER!

Seven Seconds to Peace

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sitting at Tara’s Feet
©Karla Johnston, InnerConstellation.com
September 2, 2012

Mother of compassion,
bright star in dawn’s first light,
bridge fording the stream
crossover unseen.

Peace, peace, peace
wash over me. 

Malala Yousafzai Speaks to the UN

Friday, July 12, 2013

Being shot by Taliban made me stronger.

This morning, July 12, 2013, on the day of her 16th birthday, Malala Yousafzai's rocked the United Nations and the more than 500 young people from over 80 countries present. She is a pristine example of Inner Constellation Truth #3:

Everything no matter how challenging, has the ability to be transformed. 

And, actually, IC Truth #2:

Energy never dies, it just changes form. 

Stronger, stronger, and stronger still.  You go, Brave Girl, voicing your North Star--the universal right to education.

Here's a link to one of the most inspiring speeches I've ever heard, Malala's words to the UN. Enjoy, and may her words inspire each of us to give voice and action to what you believe in.

Meeting Unloving Circumstances with Love

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Monday was the first day of an 8 day Peace Training Camp hosted by Sheva Carr and Marilyn King. This free event is for anyone committed to peace as a personal orientation and it started off with a bang. Gitta Ryle, a holocaust survivor, was interviewed last evening and her message of forgiveness was profound. Sheva did an excellent job of summing up her words of wisdom for anyone facing an unforgivable circumstance:

1) Make an inner choice - make a choice to not hold on to the experiences in the physical body. Do not forget, for this protects us and honors our life experience but make a conscious decision to move beyond the pain. Gitta spoke of how her physical body began to break down and become sick when Gitta's children became the age she was when separated from her mother and father during World War II. At this point in her life, Gitta made a choice to not just exist but to live and begin to heal and eventually thrive in spite of her horrible circumstances. Her first step was making the inner choice to forgive.

2) Align with what you love - once Gitta made the inner choice to forgive, she said her energy was suddenly freed and she began to see the gifts in her life experiences. Her family had great musical talent and she remembered fondly that which she loved and had been denied for so many years. She rekindled this passion and it became her fuel, her honey, so to speak. She began sharing her gift of music with others and thus became a lighting rod for her core value of cultivating beauty in any given circumstance. When Gitta aligned with and nurtured what she loved, her healing accelerated.

3) Ask for help - Gitta acknowledged with gratitude all the people who helped her to safety and to eventually overcome her tragic circumstances. With the help of caring family, friends and professionals, she was able to confront the issues rather than "stuff them into the body."

4) Have a sense of purpose - lastly, Gitta expressed that when she became free of the great weight of unforgiveness, her freed energy had a purpose. She began speaking to young people as a surviving, thriving witness. In Gitta's interview with Sheva, she spoke of the Yin and Yang of life and that some people are inclined to help while others are inclined to harm, this is human choice. Gitta made a conscious choice to offer comfort and support and be a role model for forgiveness, what is possible and living this actuality.

After the interview wrapped up, I took a humble guess at Gitta's North Star, that which is her guiding light and life's orientation--meet unlovable circumstances with love.

If you have interest in joining the 8 day Peace Training Camp, visit this page, where all talks beginning this past Monday, July 8, through all 8 days can be accessed. If you don't have a Facebook account and would like the links sent to download the talks, please contact me, and I will happily send you all links. Here is the link to listen to Sheva Carr's interview with Gitta . Here's another link to a Heart Start call with Sheva, introducing the amazing heart-empowered, Gitta Ryle. May we learn from her extreme example of meeting unlovable circumstances with love.

Tick Tock Internal Clock

Monday, July 1, 2013

Out paddle boarding, on a crystal-clear, calm day. Words are only suitable if they arrange themselves into a poem. Hope you're out soaking up beauty and sunshine:

©Karla Johnston, InnerConstellation.com

Rhythm, pattern, flow,
this is how it goes.

In breath, out breath,
paddle, my extension.
Cup and scoop cool Tahoe blue,
push gently forward, ever forward.

I am light scattered golden.