This Idea of Giving Thanks

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving, Peeps! I woke up this morning thinking of a habit I’ve developed over the last year or so—giving thanks at the end of the day for all the day’s blessings, big and small. I do it as I’m driving home from work as a perfect way to unwind and set my heart in a position of gratitude before greeting my family. I began the practice after reading an article interviewing elders living into their 80’s and beyond on the number one ingredient to a happy life—you guessed it, gratitude. For me, this idea of giving thanks as a daily practice has proven an effective way to keep me on track, literally Charting my Course toward what I want versus what I don’t want.  Whatever one gives attention to increases, and by giving thanks, I increase the good. I’ve also implemented “gratitude tapping” into my daily meridian tapping routine. Once my symptoms are alleviated, I tap in the blessings. When I do this, I often notice my SUD levels drastically fall as I experience giving and receiving deep in my tissues. It's a giving thanks miracle! This Thanksgiving consider extending the idea of giving thanks to a daily creative practice and you will experience abundance and increase beyond a single holiday.   

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