Angel on One Shoulder, Devil on the Other

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"A Complex Choice" by Ixilder (
The following picture expresses a metaphor most of us have experienced. I was thinking the other day about the dialogue continuously running inside one's head and the capacity for inner-talk to either nurture or condemn, not only the listener but all those interacting with the listening one. I began seeing "the voice" inside one's head from the perspective of energy. One of my Inner Constellation truths is that energy never dies, it just changes form. Who's voice is replaying in my head? Is it mine? My relatives? An ancestor even further back who passed the nurturing or condemning voice down through the family line? Is it a beloved one or someone hurtful? A wise counselor or baneful adversary? Did it originate from a book I read or show that I viewed? To me, the source isn't as important as is these two factors:

1) Do I attend and identify with the voice, giving it expression within me?
2) Is the voice helpful (angel on my shoulder) or hindering (devil on my shoulder)?

Wherever the voice originates, do I wish to give energy to its continuance? Does my inner-talk support what is hopeful and good, or is it despairing and critical? What we attend to will increase, this is a natural law. Do my thoughts increase what it is I want, or what it is I don't want?

The other day, a friend of mine used the old adage, "Easier said than done." (who originally spoke those words into existence? And was it the angel talking or the devil?). I prefer to turn the adage around, "Easier done than said." Let's stop yapping and step into conscious action-tap the little devils away (with meridian tapping, of course), keep persisting until no vestiges remain and then fill up with goodness. In the words of my favorite heroine, Joan of Arc, "I was the angel, there was no other."  She's speaking to you, my friend. 

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