"Electrified, I'm on a wire...."

Friday, October 14, 2011
I've been thinking lately of the perfection of the nervous system. Many folks are surprised to find that not only does the nervous system direct all bodily functions, but it also protects and heals. When we perceive distress, our miraculous protection modes kick in, often referred to as, "fight, flight, or freeze." The nervous system adapts in a split second to manage any threat with the sole goal being survival. After the threat has passed, the nervous system then instantaneously begins the process of healing. Often when working with someone experiencing pain in any form, be it emotional or physical, I go immediately to the nervous system, with the intention of engaging the body's natural healing process. How is this done? My two favorite methods are:

1) Meridian Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - a simple, self-administered technique best described as acupuncture without needles. By consciously tapping on pressure points the body's electrical system is accessed to increase blood flow and release pain and/or trauma from the body. By electrical system, I'm referring to one's energetic anatomy: 1) Mind 2) Heart 3) Nervous System

2) Writing - this form of expression is the most effective way I've found to connect and capture what's going on inside my body or the bodies of my clients. I share inspirational, tailored offerings with clients who are also inclined to this form of expression.

The nervous system is our wiring system and without it we could not survive, function or heal. It's also our connection to the outside world and a mirror of our perception of it. The nervous system is our direct line of communication with others and with creation. Ah, but this will have to wait for another day, I've got to head to San Francisco for an Energy Psychology convention. I'll keep you all posted on the trip.

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