Hope your Easter weekend is starting out as well as mine--my momma just sent me a package of home-made peanut butter eggs and they are delicious. Popped one in my mouth before going for a run and it sustained me!
I was watching the news the other night and it seems lots of folks are getting their panties in a bunch over the word "Easter." I chuckled because all the drama juxtaposes to a book I'm reading just perfectly. The book is written by a Neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander, who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) and lived to tell--unbelievable story. He is a traditional medical doctor who didn't believe in any way, shape or form in such things and was completely changed upon waking from seven days spent in deep coma. Ironically (or not, depending on your world view), the brain doctor was struck by an E. Coli infection that wiped out his neocortex. I highly recommend the book, and unlike many books on NDE it has no religious connotations whatsoever, so therefore, it's non-offensive ("Happy Easter!" Sorry, I'm feeling devilish tonight, must be 'cause I'm all sugared up on Momma's eggs). Anyway, read the book, it's incredibly inspiring and when you're done, you won't get your panties in a bunch about much of anything, because well, there's a much bigger picture to the great wide world. Isn't that the point of the Easter holiday, by the way? We're not just flesh and blood, but we're souls that can transcend anything, yes, even death. Resurrection is totally cool, the concept aligns perfectly with the Inner Constellation truths:
1) Every single thing is energy
2) Energy never dies, it just changes form
3) Every single thing, no matter how challenging, has the ability to be transformed
Amen, to that. Oops, no offense. Enjoy the day and eat lots of chocolate--we're going to transcend these bodies someday anyway :) Seriously, if you're interested in a truly awe inspiring, make-you-feel-good read, check out Dr. Eben Alexander's book, Proof of Heaven (in spite of the title, remember, no religious connotations:)
Dang it, I'm just going to say it--Happy Easter!
Karla Johnston
10:53 PM
Friday, March 29, 2013
Hail Spring!
Karla Johnston
7:45 AM
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
I don't know what it's doing in your neck of the woods, but Spring has made its call to new life known for a few weeks here in the Sierras. I woke one morning last week with a poem in my heart and thought today, Spring Equinox, the perfect time to share. Happy Spring everyone :)
Hail Spring 2013
©Karla Johnston, 2013, InnerConstellation.com
Written: March 13, 2013
Woke this morning to one of the
sweetest sounds imaginable—a Dove’s call,
smiled from ear to ear and felt gratitude well up,
almost burst me at the seams!
I am the luckiest girl alive—
to hear spring’s proclamation another year.
Blessings to you, my old-time Feathered Friend.
You have been a constant.
I remember most vividly,
spring mornings in Pennsylvania,
gleefully tottering over to the telephone wires
where you perched in graceful form
and sang your call of new life into me.
Spring is hailed each season, whether I notice it or not.
Some years, I do not recognize your sweet arrival,
drowned out by the dissonance of my grown up world
and it is April, sometimes even May,
before I identify your wing pattern in flight
or flash of iridescent feather patch.
smiled from ear to ear and felt gratitude well up,
almost burst me at the seams!
I am the luckiest girl alive—
to hear spring’s proclamation another year.
Blessings to you, my old-time Feathered Friend.
You have been a constant.
I remember most vividly,
spring mornings in Pennsylvania,
gleefully tottering over to the telephone wires
where you perched in graceful form
and sang your call of new life into me.
Spring is hailed each season, whether I notice it or not.
Some years, I do not recognize your sweet arrival,
drowned out by the dissonance of my grown up world
and it is April, sometimes even May,
before I identify your wing pattern in flight
or flash of iridescent feather patch.
In those moments of
forgetfulness, I swear you speak,
like Solomon to his beloved:
“Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.
For don’t you see, the winter is past,
the rain is over and gone;
Flowers appear on earth;
the time of the singing birds is come,
and the voice of the Turtle Dove is heard in our land.”
Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away….
This year I am early, seven days before equinox.
I gratefully take up your faithful call—
new life, it is spring indeed!
like Solomon to his beloved:
“Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.
For don’t you see, the winter is past,
the rain is over and gone;
Flowers appear on earth;
the time of the singing birds is come,
and the voice of the Turtle Dove is heard in our land.”
Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away….
This year I am early, seven days before equinox.
I gratefully take up your faithful call—
new life, it is spring indeed!
In the Bed of Creation Part II
Karla Johnston
8:43 PM
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
"Quality of attention" was the experiment of last week, and if you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about, check out Part 1. So, here's what I discovered--this crazy, delightful world with all its plethora of choices, can pull in a thousand different directions. In order to know what to give attention to, it helps to spend time each and every day establishing what I like to call, "my silver cord" or "anchor." Am I speaking in metaphor? Of course, I'm a poet! "Tying the silver cord" or "anchoring in" is something I try to do every morning upon rising. Here's what a perfect practice day looks like: ten minutes on the emWave to get connected to my heart, and then when coherence has been established in my body, and I'm purring like Yogini, I write for two hours. I do these two things before doing anything else. This simple personal practice limits distractions and clarifies my inner world, grounding me in what I consider lasting and true before I head out into the outer world with all its baubles and trinkets.
As some of you know, I've authored a novel on Joan of Arc, Child of God: The Humble Beginnings of Joan of Arc. For Joan, who was Catholic born and raised (not a whole lot of other options in the 1400's), she anchored herself to an orthodox God. She devoted herself with one-minded fervor (and great quality of attention) to freeing her country from English invasion. She is a true heroine to me for even though her inquisitors branded her a heretic and a witch, excommunicated her and burned her at the stake, she continued to profess her true identity--child of God.
Remember always what this blog celebrates..."that you are an expression of the Eternal. The body is the gateway. Read on (and on and on) if you need reminding." Acknowledging each person's inherent beauty and worth is what I aspire my full quality of attention towards each and every day. Tie to this silver cord of truth whenever you need bolstered and heartened.
As some of you know, I've authored a novel on Joan of Arc, Child of God: The Humble Beginnings of Joan of Arc. For Joan, who was Catholic born and raised (not a whole lot of other options in the 1400's), she anchored herself to an orthodox God. She devoted herself with one-minded fervor (and great quality of attention) to freeing her country from English invasion. She is a true heroine to me for even though her inquisitors branded her a heretic and a witch, excommunicated her and burned her at the stake, she continued to profess her true identity--child of God.
Remember always what this blog celebrates..."that you are an expression of the Eternal. The body is the gateway. Read on (and on and on) if you need reminding." Acknowledging each person's inherent beauty and worth is what I aspire my full quality of attention towards each and every day. Tie to this silver cord of truth whenever you need bolstered and heartened.
In the Bed of Creation
Karla Johnston
10:29 PM
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Hopefully this title was provocative enough to get your full attention! I just went for a run after a day of rain, sleet and snow, and the beauty of the last remnants of storm clearing off the Sierra mountains was breath-taking. It was a much needed dose of glistening, sun-soaked glory after a weekend of sifting through emails and my “to-do” list. As I stood, immersed in the landscape and the much bigger expression of life, a simple phrase came to mind—quality of attention.
What captures one hundred percent of my attention, like the stunning display before my eyes? Session time with clients, teaching, loving my husband (blush), loving yogini (um, if you wonder who this is, check out her splendor), physical exercise, writing, singing on the drum….You know what I’m talking about—times in life when you’re caught up in the flow of effortless action, lose track of time and are captivated; in other words, giving 100% quality of attention.
Is it unrealistic to aspire to such awareness 24-7, even with email, to-do lists and the unpleasantries of life? As I pondered such thoughts, clouds cleared to reveal the robin-egg blue sky for which Tahoe is known, and I saw clearly the Charted Course to the North Star of giving everything 100% quality of attention:
1) Simplify unnecessary distractions (those things that drain energy)
2) Remember always what is loved and spend time doing it
Did I run home and close down the email accounts (so tempting), huck my “to-do” pile to the four winds (even more tempting:), grab my writing pad and sequester away with my husband and my yogini? Heck no! But, I did unsubscribe to a few email lists, move the dwindling “to-do” pile from the center of my writing desk to the corner and then promptly fell into the bed of creation and produced this blog article. Ah, I’m so grateful clouds never stick around but eventually pass through to reveal yet another personal North Star—quality of attention. Tomorrow’s the start of a brand new week, with gobs of information and choices jockeying for my awareness. On what will I chose to invest my energy? Stay tuned, as I Chart the Course this week through the great experimental sea of life. As I push off the safe weekend shore, I feel a part two article hailing me. It has my attention....TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
Energy Never Dies, It Just Changes Form
Karla Johnston
3:04 PM
Friday, March 1, 2013
...Inner Constellation Truth #2 and I'm holding to it! Thank you, BC, for proving it once again, I love you.
This Permeable Heart
©Karla Johnston,
Written February 24, 2013 in honor of Bob Center
Going about my chores today
lyrics of Lakota Sundance songs overshadow all thoughts,
work their magic and soon I’m captivated, singing along.
By round four I feel ceremony’s rhythmic pull,
“Hmmm,” I think, “wonder if someone needs some prayers?”
Lakota songs used to plague me
like a persistent call from a dear friend
who wouldn’t let off until I answered.
But this love affair has mellowed
and instead of being all-consumed
I carry on household tasks,
join my voice to lyrics plucked from air,
staying all the while curious and attentive.
I make myself a well-earned promise,
to pick up the drum when all commitments are done.
A few hours later, as daylight folds into night, I learn sad news—
a friend has passed, died suddenly the day before from a heart attack.
I think of his greatest contribution to me—teacher of the songs.
I smile and strangely, I am not sad, knowing I’ve received a precious gift.
Elk hide drum is lifted from its stand
as mallet is finally grasped in hand.
Vibration of a holy prayer
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North Star Ponderings
What if everything you need is inherent in you right now—profuse, abundant and perfectly sufficient.
- 01 North Star (74)
- 02 Chart Your Course (74)
- 03 Arrival (82)
- Energetic Anatomy (47)
- Freedom Series (50)
- Heart Based Living (117)
- Mindfulness (119)
- Poetry (102)
Meet the Author
I'm a holistic practitioner and writer who owns a private practice at InnerConstellation.com. If you benefit from my blog writings, check out my author's page on Amazon.com
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This blog celebrates that you are an expression of the Eternal: body, mind and heart are the gateways. Read on if you need reminding....
Inner Constellation Truths:
1) Everything is energy; the body is the interface
2) Energy never dies it just changes form
3) Everything, no matter how challenging, has the ability to be transformed