This is a blog post about observation...oh, and love. Can you find the mailbox in the picture on the right? The red flag is up, indicating we have a pick up. Do you see our yellow pole indicating to the snowplow driver to please (pretty please on bended knees) drop the gate so as not to berm us in. Follow the snow line to the far left of the pic, just the tip of the pole with reflective gray tape is sticking up through the snow...and that sucker is 7 foot high! OK, so Tahoe has had a beautiful, awe-inspiring, old fashion dumping and our poor little Lodgepole Pine over top the mailbox took a massive hit. During the brunt of the storm it was weighed down and touching our driveway, blocking the Snow mobile Subie you see there and our mailbox. Of course, I went out brandishing the tree sheers, ready to unblock the necessities. You may be able to see a few spiky branches poking out where I had just started my attack. However, my dear husband came to the tree's rescue, "Noooooooo! Don't cut the tree." I stopped, I observed and I listened. His argument of leaving sharp, dangerous branches sticking out was valid, however, we needed our mail and we needed to get out! Breathing in, I knew that I was breathing in...breathing out, I knew that I was breathing out. In the pause, I became clear-minded and consciously decided for love over my way. It took a few more breaths and a little bit of humor as we spent another hour on top of the tree with the shovel, freeing it to spring back up to the blizzard sky. "What are you a druid?" I asked. We smiled and shoveled. Next onslaught was a few hours later as the tree was once again laden with 2 foot of fresh snow. Another freeing ideas of how things should be: the tree and my husband all became practice partners during the ten day storm.
The January theme of Beginning Anew has worked its magic on me. In every situation, love awaits our surrender. Surrender I did, to a higher ideal of choosing love, peace and understanding. I hope our mailman forgives us. So far, so good as the sun now shines, the snow melts and our sweet, gangly Lodgepole weathers the storm, each day straighter, stronger, solid and free.
A Snow Angel for President Trump: Inauguration 2017
Karla Johnston
3:40 PM
Friday, January 20, 2017
Inauguration seems a fitting event for this month's theme of, "Beginning Anew," as our nation peaceably transitioned power to President Donald Trump. It's been a heated, divisive time that as in any challenge has the ability to be transformed (Inner Constellation Truth #3). I'm fascinated by this idea of promoting patriotism and see great potential in the idea of caring for one's country and American citizens as a springboard for broader awareness of our world of which we are an influential part. Imagine a nation undivided and taking care of the needs and wounds of each citizen. Would this not then ripple out to other nations and peoples? I can't help but look at the focus of my work--individuals, families and communities and answer a most certain, yes. I've experienced the ripple effect of tending to the sufferings in oneself and this benefiting one's family and ultimately the community--now extend this to an entire state and country. If our communities are exponentially influenced by our peace and prosperity, Americans would reap that influence and prosper, thus rippling out to other nations. This idea mirrors the practice of Metta which begins with well-wishing for oneself, then for loved ones and continuing in concentric wider circles of care.
2007 Inauguration is a Beginning Anew moment for America and her citizens and an invitation to broaden our scope of awareness. Here were some highlights from President Trump's speech to ponder:
...American carnage stops right here and stops right now. We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny....When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice....And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky. They fill their heart with the same dreams and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator....So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words: You will never be ignored again. Your voice, your hopes and dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way....May all beings be happy, healthy and strong, safe and protected, free from inner and outer harm, may we live in our world with ease and grace.
Gifts from LTMC Winter Reteat 2017
Karla Johnston
6:40 PM
Friday, January 13, 2017
Hello Beautifuls and thank you for a most nourishing retreat this past Sunday. Torrential rain was Lake Tahoe Mindfulness Community's practice companion that then turned to a massive, awe-inspiring snowstorm. So...being snowed in this week, a few treats were prepared for your enjoyment. If you made it to LTMC Winter Retreat, you'll recognize these offerings and they can further your practice into the season. Firstly, a slideshow of our day:
Followed by our afternoon 20 minute Total Relaxation in the Plum Village Tradition, complete with relaxing bells and song:
Lastly, the poems read to all the dear ones gathered together in our nest overlooking Lake Tahoe (in sweet, lashing rain:)
The Poem, "Mindfulness" can be found at this link:
© 2013 Karla Johnston,
© 2013 Karla Johnston,
You are precious.
Beyond the value of gems, stones, or gold,
and you are not the exception.
Every one, no matter gender, creed or race
is equally worthy.
Every person, animal, thing
that breathes, contracts, expands,
houses the pulse of life,
is an absolute miracle.
We are glorious.
Holding the brilliance of creation
or darkening of damnation
in every word we speak.
Holding the brilliance of creation
or darkening of damnation
in every word we speak.
If we saw, for brief moment, our radiance
we could never commit a harmful act,
for the understanding that we
would diminish it.
If we knew our preciousness,
hateful words could not be spoken.
Malice could find no home in us.
No conflict, no battle, no war.
Our one desire, our sole purpose
to keep carefully
this treasured life—
only ever cherish it.
we could never commit a harmful act,
for the understanding that we
would diminish it.
If we knew our preciousness,
hateful words could not be spoken.
Malice could find no home in us.
No conflict, no battle, no war.
Our one desire, our sole purpose
to keep carefully
this treasured life—
only ever cherish it.
In closing, it was mentioned during retreat that a dharma talk would be greatly appreciated and here is a most excellent resource of talks by Thich Nhat Hanh and a snip-it of one of my favorite Opera interviews with Thich Nhat Hanh as well. May our winter be nourishing with much joy, peace and happiness for ourselves, our loved ones and our community.
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North Star Ponderings
What if everything you need is inherent in you right now—profuse, abundant and perfectly sufficient.
- 01 North Star (74)
- 02 Chart Your Course (74)
- 03 Arrival (82)
- Energetic Anatomy (47)
- Freedom Series (50)
- Heart Based Living (117)
- Mindfulness (119)
- Poetry (102)
Meet the Author
I'm a holistic practitioner and writer who owns a private practice at If you benefit from my blog writings, check out my author's page on
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This blog celebrates that you are an expression of the Eternal: body, mind and heart are the gateways. Read on if you need reminding....
Inner Constellation Truths:
1) Everything is energy; the body is the interface
2) Energy never dies it just changes form
3) Everything, no matter how challenging, has the ability to be transformed