Gods--You Are, I am...

Sunday, December 29, 2013
…co-creating constantly, always; in every word spoken, every action, every thought and deed—mind blowing actually, downright amazing. I’ve picked back up my violin over the holidays and I find myself listening to the loveliest of music for inspiration, Celtic fiddler like Alasdair Fraser (he’s playing now as I write this), and the amazing Joshua Bell who authored a CD entitled Romance of the Violin, which I affectionately call, Romancing the Violin. These musicians are very much aware of their brilliant capacities, and their abilities to express through a vehicle such as a musical instrument. What’s your instrument? How do you express, co-create, and exhibit your creative, god-like abilities?

Heaven or hell, creation or damnation—a little kingdom is being created inside you always, constantly. As you read these words, it unfolds. Creation, blessed life, is never-ending in the inner garden we tend and then comes to fruition in the outer world by means of our expression. Seeds, tiny seeds of compassion or love, or perhaps on a not so good day, anger, despair are sprouting. Which seeds do we tend, water, provide sunshine to and nourish?
I feel a poem coming on and I’m itching to grab my fiddle. Off I go! Gods you are, I am….

I want an Official Red Ryder, Carbine-Action, Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!

Sunday, December 22, 2013
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings to everyone. I hope you all get exactly what your heart most desires and Santa doesn't say --“No way, kid, you’ll shoot your eye out!” May you freely plunge beneath the tree, into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled avarice and find your prize. As you close your eyes Christmas night, I hope next to you lay your oiled blue steel beauty (in whatever form it may take)—the greatest Christmas gift you have ever received, or would ever receive. May you gradually drift off to sleep, pranging (and missing:) ducks on the wing and getting off spectacular hip shots!

OK, maybe that’s going a bit too far…but, I hope all your dreams are sweet and in them you feel like da bomb!  And may it have nothing to do with what you received outside, but rather what you received inside, yep—your Inner Constellation. If you allow, I wish the honor of playing Santa Claus and offering you a sweet little package for your Inner Constellation that you can open every day of the year. But before I get into the details I want to introduce a practice called reciting the gathas. This is a Sanskrit word meaning to speak, sing, recite or extol, a perfect concept for over the holidays, eeh, especially if you’re like me and enjoy belting out Christmas chorals. Basically a gatha is a verse said in rhythm with the breath while bringing complete awareness to the present moment. So, here might be Ralphie’s gatha (character from A Christmas Story):

“I’m firing my official Red Ryder Carbine-Action, (in breath)
Two-Hundred Shot Range Model Air Rifle! (out breath)
I will be extra careful. (in breath)
so as not to shoot my eye out. (out breath)

You might recoil here, not because of the kick-back on the Red-C BB gun as it’s aimed at the paper target, but because you think perhaps I’m committing blasphemy with the gathas. No way! Gathas come from the Zen tradition and are created to reflect the practical aspects of life. There are ones for waking, eating, dressing, walking even defecating. Had Ralphie recited the above gatha he might have prevented a, um…near major catastrophe. So, now, my Christmas gift to you—since August of this year, I’ve been sending out Inner Constellation blessings, Monday through Friday, to folk’s email inboxes (your year-round Christmas tree). The IC blessings, or gathas, are very short little blips, usually just a few lines, designed to inspire and orient you toward wellness. In short, they help Chart Your Course. Here’s an example of the IC Blessing set to go out tomorrow and what it would look like in your inbox:

IC Blessing: Winter Solstice
© 2013 Karla Johnston, InnerConstellation.com
You are light scattered golden.

Unwrap each daily gift for your Inner Constellation and simply enjoy while being reminded of the real gift of you. In the tradition of the gathas, you can breathe the blessings in and out through the day—“I am light” (in breath)/”scattered golden” (out breath). And indeed you are. If you would like to accept my invitation to receive the email send Monday-Friday, please contact me. I triple dog dare you (gasp!) Happiest holidays to you and a new year filled with blessing after blessing after blessing. 

What Makes You Grin Like a Fool?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Quote from Thich Nhat Hanh
I've recently fallen in love with Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh, and in his book, Being Peace he has much to say about the practice of smiling. In the first chapter I was touched by his poetic beauty:
LIFE IS FILLED with suffering, but it is also filled with many wonders,such as the blue sky, the sunshine, and the eyes of a baby.To suffer is not enough. We must also be in touch with the wonders of life.They are within us and all around us, everywhere, anytime.
 An absolute yes to his insight. He suggests the following:

If a child smiles, if an adult smiles, that is very important. If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work....
 During walking meditation, during kitchen and garden work, during sitting meditation, all day long, we can practice smiling. At first you may find it difficult to smile, and we have to think about why. Smiling means that we are ourselves, that we have sovereignty over ourselves, that we are not drowned in forgetfulness.
Hmmm, drowned in forgetfulness, how easy to forget life's sacredness, our sacredness. I tried smiling as a practice yesterday, started by doing the things I love that make me grin like a fool: played with Yogini, blocked off 2 hours for writing, loved up my sweet husband, went for a run, did dishes with gratitude for the food grown by the hands of others for the sake of my nourishment, and you know what? I had a beautiful day--things flowed and my heart was light, softened so to speak. I became curious and I did a little research. Here's what the experts have to say about the benefits of smiling:

  • boosts the immune system
  • natural pain killer, stress reducer and mood enhancer by releasing endorphins which block pain perception and serotonin, our feel good hormone
  • measurably reduces blood pressure and lowers heart rate
  • increases productivity (we really should, "whistle while we work!")
  • boosts the moods of others (it's contagious, 50% of people who see a smile will smile back)
  • helps us live longer (one study showed people who smile readily and more often live 7 years longer!)

And, if you really want to pack a wallop while grinning like a fool, grab someone and give them a hug for ten seconds, this is said to reduce anxiety and stress by 70%. That's more effective than any of the pharmaceuticals out there! So, it seems wise Thich Nhat Hanh's got something going on with his smiling practice. Here's what I want to know--what makes you grin like a fool? Do it, do it now (and let me know your results)!

Gihugic Aha Moment--Thank you, Ben Wheeler!

Saturday, December 14, 2013
You know, I had a moment of clarity this morning as I sat with my emwave and breathed all the goodness of a beautiful morning. My aha was prompted by a young boy, age 6, named Ben Wheeler. I'll introduce Ben in a moment, but first, a realization:

Ultimately another person's suffering becomes our suffering. When darkness approaches and is all around, don't shrink away--step up, expand, shine the light and perhaps those adrift will find their way home.

This is the lesson as I took it, from a boy named Ben who loved lighthouses above all else. According to those who knew this little man, he was a lighthouse, he was also a fatal victim of the Sandy Hook shooting, happening one year ago today. I listened to his mom and dad talk on Opera's Soul Series a few weeks ago and their message was loud and clear--we have tremendous ability to either spread light or succumb to darkness. As I was pondering this reality, I got to thinking about the turning points we're given every day to truly be agents of love or agents of fear, frustration, worry, etc. How do I personally respond to horrible and dark situations--by shrinking away and adding another layer of darkness and confusion, or by stepping up, opening my heart, and cultivating goodness--shining a light so to speak. Science now shows that emotions such as appreciation, kindness and compassion literally change the physiological responses and heart rhythms of others within our 8 foot vicinity. The opposite is also true. If we are frustrated, scared or untrusting, these restricted feelings influence the physiology of other people within our radius. Ultimately another person's suffering or happiness becomes our suffering or happiness. What are we going to do, succumb to the darkness or make a revolution and shine, baby, shine? 

Thank you, sweet angel, Ben Wheeler, for the lessons you continue to teach through your loved ones that remember your adoration for the light. You are a tribute to IC Truth #3, energy never dies, it only changes form. On this day and always, may we each consciously chose to shine. 

For more information about Ben Wheeler, his love of lighthouses and his goodness that continues to spread, visit: http://benslighthouse.org/

Precious Christmas Bling!

Monday, December 2, 2013
Hope you sweet peeps had the best Thanksgiving full of counting your blessings. I prepared for Advent yesterday, set the greens, the lights and the Christmas bling. I had a poem rolling around in my head that I wished to share, it's my formula for world peace (gasp, yes really, I know it's a bold statement). Love to all and enjoy the season for you are a...

© 2013 Karla Johnston All Rights Reserved

You are precious.
Beyond the value of gems, stones, or gold,
and you are not the exception.
Every one, no matter gender, creed or race
is equally worthy.

Every person, animal, thing
that breathes, contracts, expands,
houses the pulse of life,
is an absolute miracle.

We are glorious.
Holding the brilliance of creation
or darkening of damnation
in every word we speak.

If we saw, for brief moment, our radiance
we could never commit a harmful act,
for the understanding that we
would diminish it.

If we knew our preciousness,
hateful words could not be spoken.
Malice could find no home in us.
No conflict, no battle, no war.
Our one desire, our sole purpose
to keep carefully
this treasure—
only ever cherish it.