A Brave Young Woman is Cancer Free!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012
Hello Dear I.C. peeps. I heard the best possible news today--a friend's daughter is cancer free! After many months of treatment she has been given a clean bill of health. The story of this brave young woman correlates perfectly with a notion I've been tossing around of late: the act of transforming the hard knocks life presents. How do we take a devastating situation and turn it toward the good?

My friend's daughter is the perfect example of becoming a "transformer." As part of her Gold Award for Girl Scouts she spearheaded the purchase of over 60 teddy bears for kids receiving cancer treatments at her hospital. She wrapped each one, attached a personal note and delivered them during her most recent visit. She transformed her own cancer experience by bringing joy and hope in the form of  a cool bear for others to hang onto during their treatments. She became a light to others by giving voice to what she was in the process of overcoming.

I remember a dream I experienced, one time when I was going through a particularly hard time. Wise words were spoken to me, and I woke with renewed hope:

"Everything, no matter how devastating, has the ability to be transformed."

The above notion follows two of the Inner Constellation truths:

1) Everything is energy
2) Energy constantly changes form

What in our lives needs transformation? And then, once the areas are pinpointed, how do we do it? Use the young woman above as a model, perhaps do a significant act and become a "transformer"--change the energy, shift it, write a new story: A Brave Young Woman is Cancer Free!!!

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