In the Bed of Creation Part II

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
"Quality of attention" was the experiment of last week, and if you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about, check out Part 1. So, here's what I discovered--this crazy, delightful world with all its plethora of choices, can pull in a thousand different directions. In order to know what to give attention to, it helps to spend time each and every day establishing what I like to call, "my silver cord" or "anchor." Am I speaking in metaphor? Of course, I'm a poet! "Tying the silver cord" or "anchoring in" is something I try to do every morning upon rising. Here's what a perfect practice day looks like: ten minutes on the emWave to get connected to my heart, and then when coherence has been established in my body, and I'm purring like Yogini, I write for two hours. I do these two things before doing anything else. This simple personal practice limits distractions and clarifies my inner world, grounding me in what I consider lasting and true before I head out into the outer world with all its baubles and trinkets.

As some of you know, I've authored a novel on Joan of Arc, Child of God: The Humble Beginnings of Joan of Arc. For Joan, who was Catholic born and raised (not a whole lot of other options in the 1400's), she anchored herself to an orthodox God. She devoted herself with one-minded fervor (and great quality of attention) to freeing her country from English invasion. She is a true heroine to me for even though her inquisitors branded her a heretic and a witch, excommunicated her and burned her at the stake, she continued to profess her true identity--child of God.

Remember always what this blog celebrates..."that you are an expression of the Eternal. The body is the gateway. Read on (and on and on) if you need reminding." Acknowledging each person's inherent beauty and worth is what I aspire my full quality of attention towards each and every day. Tie to this silver cord of truth whenever you need bolstered and heartened.

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