Not Flying Away! Touching the Earth...

Friday, December 15, 2017
Yesterday I had an exchange with another person that began to turn sour. We had entered into a differencing of opinions that led to a drawn out analysis. I lost other words my mindfulness turned into forgetfulness. I forgot that this person was precious to me and that understanding was more important then business. I forgot that our interaction was actually causing stress versus alleviating stress. Luckily, in a few minutes time, we both realized our thoughts had been carried away, literally. I brought myself back to my breathing, back to being mindfully attentive. Soon after, we were able to reconcile our differences and come back to a peaceful resolution.

Later, I contemplated my true desire to never add to another's load, to practice diligently not watering the seeds of frustration and stress in another. A poem came to mind that so beautifully conveys coming back to oneself in moments when we've been pulled of course:

Earth Touching
Here is the foot of a tree.
Here is an empty, quiet place.
Here is the cool green of the grass.
My Child, why don't you sit down?

Sit upright.
Sit with solidity.
Sit in peace.
Don't let your thoughts lift you up into the air.
Sit so that you can really touch the Earth
and be one with her.
You may like to smile,
Earth will transmit to you her solidity,
her peace, and her joy.
With your mindful breathing,
with your peaceful smile,
you sustain the mudra of Earth Touching.

There were times when you didn't do well.
Sitting on the Earth, but it was as if you were floating in the air,
you who used to go in circles in the triple world
and be drawn into the ocean of illusion.
But Earth is always patient
and one-hearted.
Earth is still waiting for you
because Earth has been been waiting for you
during the last trillion lives...

...Walk as if you were kissing the Earth with your feet,
as if you were massaging the Earth.
The marks left by your feet
will be like the marks of an emperor's seal
calling for Now to go back to Here;
so that life will be present;
so that the blood will bring the color of love to your face;
so that the wonders of life will be manifested,
and all afflictions will be transformed into
peace and joy...

...the beautiful path is always patient.
It is always waiting for you to come back,
that path which is so familiar to you,
that path which is so faithful.
It knows deeply that you will come back one day.
it will be joyful to welcome you back.
It will be fresh and as beautiful as the first time.
Love never says, "This is the last."

The path is you, My Child.
This is why it will never be tired of waiting.
Whether it is covered now with red dust
or with Autumn leaves
or icy snow~
do go back to the path,
because I know
you will be like that tree,
the leaves, the trunk, the branches,
and the blossoms of your soul
will be fresh and beautiful,
once you enter the mudra of Earth Touching.

~Thich Nhat Hanh*
Call Me By My True Names, p. 197-198

Whether standing or walking, sitting or lying, I'm determined to practice grounding in mindful awareness and keeping my North Star in sight. Tremendous gratitude for those who practice alongside me, patiently watering my best seeds and joining me in shining bright.

*for more, please enjoy this beautiful dedication episode: Coming Home to the Present: The Life and Teaching of Thich Nhat Hanh

Winter Mindfulness Retreat: January 6, 2018

Thursday, December 14, 2017
Happy almost Winter Solstice, Beautifuls! Please consider joining us at the Beach House for another retreat along the shores of Lake Tahoe. We're so fortunate to have this amazing property another year and look forward to being together to nourish and love each other up! We'll be leaving from The Studio promptly at 8:45 am so please RSVP so we can be sure to save a seat in the carpool for you (Email or FB event page). Also, our famous Vegan spread potluck will commence, consider bringing a contribution to share with community. Other than that, just bring your sweet self (and your beloveds to share the day with you...a New Year's surprise perhaps?:). May your holidays be bright as we all enjoy a huge exhale on January 6!

Tea With Sweet Santa

Friday, December 1, 2017
Give the gift of your Presence this season 
December is upon us! Last night, as I sat and pondered the Christmas display decorating our fireplace, gratitude and joy were strong. Eve of November 30, and I'm embellished and ready for the treasures of the holiday. I'm giving myself, my family and my community the greatest gift I can possibly imagine--strengthening the gift of my Presence.

I've begun 90 days of restoration that started on November 21 in the form of an at home Winter Retreat Plum Village style. What's the winter retreat entail?

  • Time each day to sit comfortably in a way that is restful
  • Time each week with people who restore and foster joy (thank you, LTMC:)
  • Time each week to listen to a loving and tender talk given by one of my teachers, Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Time to contemplate and journal
  • Time to sing, create, write and nourish myself and others

Time and space are two enduring factors over these next 90 days. To give myself and others more space and time during the holiday hub-bub season has helped grow my compassion and joy. Since making this commitment the treasures have been many. One is that I've begun experimenting with Haiku--17 syllables condensed into 3 lines of 5/7/5 units. Here's an example:

(5) Tea with Sweet Santa--
(7) the only gift exchange is
(5) our joyful presence. 

Haiku will be the theme for my 2018 Inner Constellation blessings,* beginning this month of December ('cause I'm excited to start!) Haiku is the perfect tool for perfecting the beauty and simplicity of language, which has been a focus of my writings for the last few years. 

It's not too late to begin a winter retreat, heck it's only December 1, and the holidays may be more magical as a result. If you would like support on your journey, the following may be of interest:

  • Weekly community gathering every Wednesday from 7:30a-8:30a with Lake Tahoe Mindfulness Community
  • Winter Retreat 2018 with Lake Tahoe Mindfulness Community on Saturday, January 6 (more details coming...)
  • I would also be happy to meet with you privately and assist in whatever ways best benefit your personal practice. 

May your December be peaceful and free with the possibility of leisurely tea with sweet Santa....

*Mon-Fri short and sweet, uplifting ditties gifted to your inbox. If you would like to be added, please contact me.