
Friday, February 6, 2015

A Rather Blustery Day, A-ok

Today is a fiercely windy, blustery, storm-rolling-in day. Internet went down, imposing a technology break, yeah! I picked up a book of poetry and found a treasure written by Izumi Shikibu, Japan's major woman poet, estimated to live during the years 974-1034. When I read it, I couldn't help but think of Inner Constellation January's theme of "resolution", and I thought it a nice tribute as we begin this beautiful 2015 and the fresh month of February:

"I think I will not go out again
on your drifting boat
that floats
in any direction
without ever setting a course."

This 2015, I'm more determined than ever to live love, compassion and joy--these are my points of focus, my North Stars in Inner Constellation language. I'm committed to allowing the drifting boats that float in any direction without setting a mindful course to just drift on by, I'm not hopping on. What are your drifting boats, the habits that take you out of living a mindful and present life? 

One of my drifting boats is internet (yes, thank you power outage for the morning lesson). An entire world at our fingertips--to connect to mindfully or float out into the internet ether, untethered. Do you guys remember the days of no internet, email, cell phones, texts? I do. What did we do all day? Internet is a powerful tool for connection but also on the flip side--a world wide web of entanglement. I've been talking to a lot of people lately who crave the face-to-face connection of community. 

Which brings us to the February Inner Constellation theme of community, we've already begun exploring the topic in the Inner Constellation daily blessings* and there will be more blog articles to follow. When one is grounded in community, arriving at True North becomes more doable because you have like-minded individuals who help get you there--who are in the same boat: rowing, dropping anchor when you all need to settle, and are not going to jump ship when it gets stormy. Who's your community, your cheer leading squad, those folks who lift you up, brush you off, nourish you and help you shine? I look forward to exploring!

*Mon-Fri Inner Constellation Blessing sends are short inspirational blips that arrive in your inbox. Please contact me to be added. 

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