Poetry: The Soul Making Tool

Saturday, March 3, 2012
Happy Saturday, IC peeps. I've made a decision to give the meridian constellation articles their own separate blog page (you'll notice the tab at the top of the blog, coming soon:). That way the content rich information can be enjoyed at a more digestible pace as I keep installing new ones through March. For purely selfish reasons, I can then intersperse the blog with creative inspiration. I'm too much in my head these days and need to drop down, down, down, into my writing space. The decision to do a creative piece today was inspired by the late poet, May Sarton (thank you, dear friend, Penelope, for turning me onto her). Here are a few quotes I read this week that got me itching to write creatively again:

"Once more poetry is for me the soul-making tool." Amen, sister!

"...when I am in a state of grace, when the deep channels are open...when I am both profoundly stirred and balanced, then poetry comes as a gift from a power beyond my will."  Sigh and goosebumps.

"The delights of a poet as I jotted them down turned out to be light, solitude, the natural world, love, time, creation itself." I feel a poem coming on, thank you May Sarton, you are a Master....

Movement of the Masters
©Karla Johnston, Inner Constellation.com

Lift, sink,
ebb, flow,
swirl, scoop
the energy.

Watch, guard,
examine, sever,
deflect, absorb
the weakness.

Close, open,
merge, stretch,
draw in, release
the breath.

Life is a dance;
beautiful, effortless when in the current.

Be not fooled by grace.
Complete attention is necessary.

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