
Thursday, February 2, 2023

Rest ~ 14 Days of Love

Ahhhh, that feeling of coming to rest after being bone tired, when the body lets go to gravity, lets a comfy recliner, the bed, or another hold it….

What about the rest that comes while INSIDE the whirlwind of tension and chaos? This is what mediation is calling us to practice. When we come back to our breathing, that simple exchange of in and out, we immediately notice the whirlwind of the mind. “Rest, rest,” we encourage our bodies with the practice, and at times, it is achieved—a deep rest, a deep rest that is aware, alert, free and open hearted to what comes, whatever that might be. 

Recently, I was considering the deep transformational power of suffering. Think about the most life-changing moments of your life, more than likely, most of them involved a deep level of suffering. When it hits, as it will, in every life, can we go to the practice, can we rest? I think of the function of a Tap Root ~ to deeply stabilize, absorb nutriments, and store those nutriments when the times get tough. Can we build the strength of our Tap Roots, can we rest in the dark, maybe even probe deeper? What are your nutriments, the things that give you life? Music, friends on the path, a walk in the sunshine, a flower opening to spring? Can we take time everyday to rest in what nourishes us and store it for times of need, when we or our loved ones are called to transform? Rest, my Darling, rest deeply, knowing you are held and equipped with everything you need for growth, life and transformation. 

I will be leading 14 Days of Love meditation Saturday, February 11 at 9:30am Pacific Time. Please come join in this no-charge Copper Beech Institute offering in whatever  ways you can, and if you can't make each days two meditation offerings, you will receive the recordings so you can soak it up at a time good for you. CBI facilitators are heart-guided individuals who will offer 14 days of infused and embodied practices. Enjoy! 

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