
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Right Action: Breathing Peace

On our continued journey of the Eightfold Path (to happiness J), I got to thinking about a key ingredient often pondered ~ breath as life. Without beloved breath we would not be alive, breath is our sustainer, oxygenator, the renewer of our entire systems. Breath feeds our organs, our muscles, our beautiful brains… and if we go longer than a few minutes without it, we cease to function.

It’s a fascinating discovery to look at how breath has played a central role in world religions. Christianity being a major religion in many households, we might remember the famous story of Jesus, having been crucified and buried, mysteriously appearing to the disciples with the following appeal, “Peace be with you…” When he said this, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

How might it be to contemplate breath as a holy spirit which transmits peace and informs our actions?

In practicing mindfulness and the Eightfold Path (noted above), breath is paramount—the active ingredient which leads to concentration and insight. Breath is the holy spirit….

Breath, the Cornerstone
©2018 Karla Johnston,

I am peace,

Tie the silver cord and depend on it,
bob through ocean’s cresting waves:
Below mind’s frenzied kinetics
resides abiding calm.


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