
Friday, July 12, 2013

Malala Yousafzai Speaks to the UN

Being shot by Taliban made me stronger.

This morning, July 12, 2013, on the day of her 16th birthday, Malala Yousafzai's rocked the United Nations and the more than 500 young people from over 80 countries present. She is a pristine example of Inner Constellation Truth #3:

Everything no matter how challenging, has the ability to be transformed. 

And, actually, IC Truth #2:

Energy never dies, it just changes form. 

Stronger, stronger, and stronger still.  You go, Brave Girl, voicing your North Star--the universal right to education.

Here's a link to one of the most inspiring speeches I've ever heard, Malala's words to the UN. Enjoy, and may her words inspire each of us to give voice and action to what you believe in.

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