
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Volunteers for Connecticut Community

Since my last post on the importance of alleviating suffering for those affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary school shootings, I've received an amazing email. Nick Ortner is a leader in the Meridian Tapping community and lives in Newtown, CT where the shootings occurred. He is organizing a major fund-raising event and has mobilized a team of Meridian Therapy practitioners to provide support to people affected by the tragedy. So far, he has raised over $30,000 to go toward providing Meridian Tapping to ease the grief of those suffering. The team will be lead by Lori Leyden, a woman who used Meridian Tapping with Rwanda genocide survivors and founded Project Light: Rwanda. You might remember my blog article about Lori after I had the pleasure of meeting her.

Here are the details of the fundraiser for Newtown and how you can personally help--a few years ago, Nick produced, The Tapping Solution film, an excellent documentary exploring the effectiveness of Meridian Tapping. He's presently offering the film at half price ($14.97) and one hundred percent of sales will go to The Tapping Solution for Newtown: Stress and Trauma Relief Project. If you want to find out more, please read Nick's blog article. I own a copy of the film and highly recommend it. Please join me in donating to Nick's Newtown trauma relief project. Here is one way to help alleviate the suffering of the Newtown community and further your knowledge and skill of Meridian Tapping--a most important tool in the Inner Constellation toolbox. 

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