Active Time: 9-11pm
Element: fire
Fundamental Principle: yang
Season: summerHappy Easter! It seems the perfect day to highlight Triple Energizer (TE) meridian, also known as Triple Warmer. TE is best known for circulating energy flow throughout the following three warmers inside our cores: 1) heart and lungs to aid respiration (from diaphragm upward) 2) stomach to aid digestion (between diaphragm and navel) 3) intestines to aid elimination (from the navel and below). Triple Energizer also regulates our immune system and flight-fight-freeze response; its job is to keep you alive at all cost. In today's fast paced world, I find many people's Triple Energizer in perpetual overwhelm, often stuck in survival response. When this happens, extreme emotions ranging from hyper-arousal and angst to extreme fatigue can be experienced.
TE is a yang meridian associated with the element of fire and is most active between the hours of 9-11pm. It's very easy to trace, starting at the ring finger and tracing directly over the back of your hand, up the arm, across the shoulder and straight up the neck to the base of the ear. Go around the outside of ear to end near the temple at the hairline. I find that if one is tired, tracing this meridian in the direction just indicated is energizing. If you find that you're stressed or overstimulated, TE can be sedated by reversing the direction of the trace, starting at the hairline temple area, going down and around your ear and ending at your ring finger. Another balancing tip is tapping on TE-3 (commonly referred to as the Gamut Point in meridian tapping). TE-3 is located on the top of the hand between the ring finger and pinky in the valley between the bones of the 4th and 5th metacarpals. This point is commonly called the bodies "reset button." I include TE-3 in algorithms for insomnia, trauma, thyroid imbalances, menopause, stress and PTSD just to name a few.
When Triple Energizer is flowing in a balanced state one feels safe, protected and capable. When its flow is disturbed, defense is elevated above any other purpose. TE is a great meridian to target if you wish to transform a perceived threat into a transformative experience. I've developed the following practice to employ when one feels the body go into a reactive state unnecessarily: while resting one hand over the heart and tapping the TE-3 gamut point affirm, "Even though in the past, I've reacted with fight, flight or freeze, I now open to the practice of flow."
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