
Friday, February 24, 2012

Small Intestine Constellation

Active Time: 1-3pm
Element: fire
Fundamental Principle: yang
Season: summer

This is the third installment on the meridians used in my Inner Constellation work. The first article was entitled Spleen Constellation and the second, Heart Constellation. Today I'll highlight Small Intestine (SI) meridian. The small intestine separates the pure from the impure in regards to food, liquids, thoughts and beliefs. When the small intestine is healthy it's said to recognize and extract goodness from even the nastiest of environments or situations. I think of the SI meridian as the alchemy stream, where one can gain insight on extracting gold from dross.

Imbalances in SI meridian show up as disorders of the ears, eyes, throat, digestive system, habits of over eating, as well as certain mental illnesses. As much as ninety-five percent of the brain's mood regulating chemical, serotonin, is contained in the small intestine. It makes sense that we tend to feel strong emotions like fear and excitement deep in our gut.

SI meridian outline from
SI meridian is a yang meridian associated with the element of fire and most active during the hours of 1-3pm. For a quick boost during this prime time it can be tapped most easily at SI-3, located along the outside edge of your palm. Give this area a few solid thumps with the fingertips of your opposite hand. SI-3 is also referred to as the Karate Chop point. It's the meaty part of your palm where you might "hi-ya!" a board if you felt so inclined :) You can also trace the SI meridian as part of a daily routine, beginning on the outside of your pinky finger and proceeding staight up the arm to the shoulder, dropping back on the scapula, across your neck and up to the checkbone to end at the opening of the ear.

SI-3 (Karate Chop) is the point used whenever one begins a tapping algorithm and is the point tapped when stating the set-up statement which defines the target for treatment. It's a vital point for literally tapping into the gut, seat of emotions and storehouse for the "feel good" chemical. SI-3 is a wonderful emergency point when someone feels overwhelmed. I've seen this point produce an immediate tranquilizing effect.

You might be noticing a method to my meridian tracing madness: Spleen Constellation (9-11a), traces to armpit, where Heart Constellation (11a-1p) then begins and traces to the pinky finger which is where Small Intestine (1-3p) Constellation begins. Connect your beautiful dots back through the articles if you need a refresher. Also, if you wish to shoot ahead, here's a link to a wonderful example of a YouTube Meridian Trace, beginning with Spleen, proceeding to Heart and Small Intestine and tracing the remaining nine meridians. For now, however, we're half-way through the day; next, the evening hours. TTFN.

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