
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Inner Constellation: A Personal Story

I've been in the habit lately of laying outside and star-gazing. All my life, I've taken comfort from the night sky. As a kid, it was my stability and ultimate expression of eternity when life around me (down below) was chaotic and unruly. When I moved over a 1,000 miles from home (and then tripled that distance a few years later), the sky was my constant. My loved ones looked at the same moon, the same constellations as I looked at, no matter the distance between us. Same could be said of the ancients--those whom lived years ago. Oh, geez, getting sappy, but my point: I love the stars, especially the constellation Pleiades, commonly called, "Seven Sisters." As you might know, not all the stars in the constellation are visible with the naked eye, and so then, doesn't this leave much to be imagined? Here's one of my favorite poems as part of my book, Gospel of the Seven Sisters. It's been kind of quiet out there of late in cyber-space. If you happen to read this poem and like it (or don't like it:), please consider commenting. This poem's for you:

Gospel of the Seventh Star
Karla Johnston,
      1.    Beloved,
             who is the seventh star completing Pleiades:

       drawn back
       and returned to her charted course?
2.    Seventh star who felt love’s pull
       take seed beneath the olive tree.
3.    Angel whisperings, “You are holy.”
4.    Did you come to believe?
5.    Seventh star, I called you forth,
       pursued you with unquenchable fire,
       stripped bare the boundless sky.
6.    In the heavens I set you,
       infused with light
       and tied you to me,
       joined us with a silver cord
       across a thousand worlds,
       a thousand lifetimes.
7.    Pinpoint luminary,
       interwoven among equally bright nations:
       none more advantaged,
       all sparks Eternal.
8.    Child of the Almighty—
       made from,
       and returned to, dust:
       and marvelously made.
9.    I call to you:
       you are precious,
       a bright and morning star.”
10.  Remember this anointing in darkest night.
11.  Nay, shine in spite of it!
12.  Lift eyes to the heavens and see.
13.  Bright with understanding,
       you are my greatest offering—
       love incarnate,
       the seventh star completing Pleiades.

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