
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Grace of Spring

Good morning spring bunnies and snow angels, on this snowy Tahoe morning! Spring Retreat on Saturday was a nourishing day with ten of us in attendance, enjoying sitting and walking with the theme of "Grace." Reflections were many including:
How gracefully the grass grows....
Everything in nature knows innately what to do....

In springtime, life greens without effort, naturally; so too, do we move in the direction of transformation. No matter the snow falling on our tender leaves, we turn and turn and keep turning, toward light and understanding. Growth seems an innate process and one that we can observe deeply in our own lives. By mindfully turning our attention to the present moment, we can resource all the conditions in our environment that nurture happiness; as a result, insight happens quite naturally--

Without resistance--
the flow of grace comes

I'm greening, how about you? One more thing in wrapping up Spring Retreat--the yummy sweet potato and spinach stew was a huge success, we licked the crock pot clean (mindfully, of course)! So, here's the recipe. It was originally shared by sweet Robin Cecelia:

May you enjoy your spring: growing, blossoming, smiling with ease and grace.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Grace Poured

Tomorrow is Lake Tahoe Mindfulness Community's Spring Retreat! I'm looking most forward to the day and spending time together with the theme of "grace."

I'm remembering a talk by Thich Nhat Hanh in which he mentioned grace being compared to insight--the direct result of what happens when we use our mindfulness to become still and concentrated. The quote on the left seems to capture this idea.

In the last few weeks, I've pondered ideas and definitions of grace. One concept was spoken by a friend in the practice who had recently lost a child. This friend mentioned deep appreciation for "being held" by community. In the midst of suffering there was comfort, love and understanding--ie, grace. Support was loaned by those stable in the practice and they were truly present in the midst of her suffering.

The comparison to life as a constant, moving river is a common one. What if grace might be the ability to be carried by the river without resistance, or, when resistance is felt, working with dissolving our resistances rather than adding to them. I'm presently practicing this application of grace. Grace is like the nudge reorienting us to our North Stars--love, compassion, peace--to remember and get in touch with the reality of what matters most. I feel a poem snippet coming on....

Grace Poured

What if grace is--
being carried by the river of life without resistance,
or...when rock or log pops up,
breath, become water--
continue flowing,
and go around.

©2016 Karla Johnston,

Tomorrow is a morning of springtime grace, poured out by Momma Earth and all the bright stars of LTMC. We hope you can join us. Feel free to visit our Facebook page for more information. Love and gratitude to all of you as we are mindfully go as a river through this beautiful life together. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Joyful-Blossoming-Beauty Talk

Allegory of Spring by Botticelli

Spring is ready to pop! On this March 1st, I'm feelin' it-- light increasing as Momma starts to warm and fresh, new growth pushes up and out...with all this Spring energy the Inner Constellation theme of "Grace," for the month of March seems most appropriate.

One of the first images of "Grace," that comes to mind for me is that of the Three Graces, symbolic figures whose names mean, "merriment," "to blossom," and "beauty." Joyful blossoming beauty--sign me up! One of the sweetest things about their story is that they were created to fill the world with good-will. The Three Graces are often depicted attending Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, who's associated with doves (Here in Tahoe, I heard one of the first spring arrivals cooing the other morning). Aphrodite's name means, "foam," thus the mythology that she was born from the sea and is daughter of the vast ocean. All of the above are beautiful metaphors to pepper our exploration of "Grace." 

What are the qualities of grace, that ease of movement and flow that we feel at times? How do we nurture grace and keep in its flow as long as possible? These questions and more will be explored in this month of March, preparing us for the Spring Mindfulness Retreat on March 19, when we'll get together in community to experience the theme of "Grace."

With all this joyful-blossoming-beauty talk I feel an IC blessing pushing out. Enjoy your walk today on this sweet spring earth and perhaps breath in and breath out with the following lines of grace.... 

3/01 Blessing:  Flow
The wave knows--
its beginning 
and end
are the Ocean.